The payments form that WooPayments generates and places on the checkout page is actually hosted on a separate PCI-compliant server. As such, applying styles to the payments form using custom CSS will not work as expected.
To modify the styling of the payment fields, you will need to insert some custom PHP code using your theme’s functions.php
file or a plugin like Code Snippets.
NOTE: We are unable to provide support for customizations under our Support Policy. If you need to customize a snippet beyond what is shown on this page, we suggest Codeable or a Certified WooExpert.
Style auto-detection
↑ Back to topBy default, WooPayments tries to detect some of the styles applied to the checkout page by your current theme, and then uses those styles on the payment form. This helps the form align more closely with your site’s existing design.
If you wish, you can prevent automatic style detection from happening by using the following snippet, which reverts the form to the default styles provided by Stripe.
add_filter( 'wcpay_elements_appearance', function () {
return new \stdClass();
} );
However, as you can see below, this may not work well with your particular theme.

Clearing transients
↑ Back to topWooPayments uses transients to cache the payment form styles. For that reason, if you make any adjustments to the styling, you’ll need to clear those transients afterward in order to actually see the changes on the frontend.
You can force the transients to clear by executing the following PHP:
delete_transient( 'upe_process_redirect_order_id_mismatched' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_appearance' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_add_payment_method_appearance' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_wc_blocks_upe_appearance' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_bnpl_product_page_appearance' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_bnpl_classic_cart_appearance' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_bnpl_cart_block_appearance' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_appearance_theme' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_add_payment_method_appearance_theme' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_wc_blocks_upe_appearance_theme' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_bnpl_product_page_appearance_theme' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_bnpl_classic_cart_appearance_theme' );
delete_transient( 'wcpay_upe_bnpl_cart_block_appearance_theme' );
These transients are also automatically cleared every 24 hours.
The Elements Appearance API
↑ Back to topAs noted above, the form fields shown by WooPayments are actually embedded from Stripe’s servers. You’ll need to use their Elements Appearance API to alter the styling of the fields. This API is implemented via the wcpay_elements_appearance
There are three levels of customization available:
- Themes: Three basic, pre-built styles that may suit your website immediately.
- Variables: Allows you to control the appearance of many components at once.
- Rules: These provide complete control over every individual component.
Themes are the easiest to implement in a brief snippet, but they may not match the exact look and feel of your site. To do that, you will likely need to use rules, although doing so involves a higher degree of complexity.
↑ Back to topStripe’s Elements Appearance API provides three pre-built themes as shown near the top of that page: stripe
, night
, and flat
. These are good for quickly altering the appearance of the entire form.
For example, if your site has a darker background color, the night
theme might work pretty well without further customization needed.
add_filter( 'wcpay_elements_appearance', function () {
return [ 'theme' => 'night' ];
} );
Here’s what that would look like:

↑ Back to topBecause the style auto-detection results are added as rules, we strongly suggest using rules to customize the form fields. Using variables may not work as intended, since the rules will always override the less-specific variables.
For example, if you were to apply the following snippet:
add_filter( 'wcpay_elements_appearance', function ( $appearance ) {
$appearance->variables->{'fontFamily'} = 'serif';
$appearance->variables->{'fontWeightNormal'} = 'bold';
return $appearance;
} );
… the result may not apply to all the text in the form:

Again, this is because the auto-detected styling gets applied via rules, which are more specific than variables, so the rules “win.”
↑ Back to topThe rules method is very similar to CSS, in that you need to assign properties to certain selectors (form components, in this case) to achieve the desired outcome. This allows for very granular customization.
The form components that you can customize are the following:

Once you have determined which component you want to modify, you can use the following snippet as a template for your own code. Simply replace COMPONENT
, and VALUE
with your desired modifications.
add_filter( 'wcpay_elements_appearance', function ( $appearance ) {
$appearance->rules->{'.COMPONENT'}->PROPERTY = VALUE;
return $appearance;
} );
For example, this snippet changes the color and weight of the label fonts:
add_filter( 'wcpay_elements_appearance', function ( $appearance ) {
$appearance->rules->{'.Label'}->color = 'purple';
$appearance->rules->{'.Label'}->fontWeight = 'bold';
return $appearance;
} );
The result is like so:

You can expand on that by using the states, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements shown in Stripe’s documentation. They also have a list of available properties.
For example, to change the border of an invalid input, you could use this:
add_filter( 'wcpay_elements_appearance', function ( $appearance ) {
$appearance->rules->{'.Input--invalid'}->border = 'thick double';
return $appearance;
} );
The result is as expected:

Other options
↑ Back to topThere are two additional options you can set that affect the behavior of the form fields: labels
and disableAnimations
: eitherabove
: eithertrue
Setting a value for labels
lets you change the position of the label relative to the input box. For example:
add_filter( 'wcpay_elements_appearance', function ( $appearance ) {
$appearance->labels = 'above';
return $appearance;
} );
… will put the field label above the field. floating
will insert it into the field.
Setting disableAnimations
to false
does exactly what it sounds like: turns off instances of animated movement in the payment form.